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Vocational Education and Training offers people of all ages an excellent opportunity to develop their skills, prepare for jobs, and improve their employability. The idea with the European Vocational Skills Week is to raise awareness of the full range of opportunities available through Vocational Education and Training, and encourage more people to participate and learn what it has to offer.

European Vocational Skills Week 2018, 5-9 November 2018

The European Vocational Skills Week is an initiative of the European Commission. The idea is to show that Vocational Education and Training (VET) has the power to transform lives and businesses. They hope it can contribute to make VET as the first choice for young people when they compare alternative education pathways.

You will find more than 1000 events and activities in Europe during the European Vocational Skills Week 2018. There are events and activities in very many European countries that week. This is a significant number and an excellent way to raise awareness about vocational education and training in European countries.

European Vocational Skills Week Makes Vocational Education and Training Visible

Vocational Education and Training (VET) plays a key role in the lifelong learning continuum by providing young people with initial qualifications they need for a smooth transition to the labour market, as well as adults with the means to continuously upskills and reskill throughout their lives. VET responds to the needs of the economy but also to develop people´s skills for personal development and active citizenship.

In many countries, VET is still overlooked as a method of upskilling and training. It is often seen as a second choice for young people when compared to alternative education pathways. For many adults and employers, it is often not perceived as an essential instrument to strengthen their adaptability to the needs of the labour market.

However, on the contrary, we know that VET has the power to transform lives and businesses. VET offers people of all ages greater educational opportunities, increased employability, and high-quality jobs. We want people to reach their full potential through VET.

There are great vocational training opportunities that successfully prepare people for exciting and challenging careers, as well as active engagement in society.

Quality training develops the creative and innovative potential of learners. Upskilling and reskilling throughout life is key to improved job opportunities and better integration in society. Lifelong learning enhances social inclusion, diversity, and active citizenship.

The European Vocational Skills Week also makes employers aware of the potential and benefits for their business. By engaging in the fundamental skills provision for the young and the upskilling and reskilling of adults, they are ensuring their long-term competitiveness and growth.

Learn more about the European Vocational Skills Week 2018 here

Lucubrate Magazine, Issue 45, November 2nd, 2018

The photo on top: European Vocational Skills Week


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Lucubrate Magazine
Lucubrate Magazine

Lucubrate Magazine highlights trends in education and development. Development in this context can be technological, educational, individual, social or global, and everything related to education.
Lucubrate Magazine is a global based on the web magazine with the main office in Norway.

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